Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It happened. I'm getting transferred.

Hey Family!

Well, I'm headed to the city! I'm going to the 12th branch in the city! Its one of the most northern branches in Phnom Penh. 

Good news: the airport is in our area, which means Dairy Queeeeeeeeeen!

Also, I will be companions with one of my best friends from the MTC (Elder Nielsen) We always joked about the day we would be companions someday. So excited! I honestly couldn't be more excited about this transfer call. At first when the ZL told me I thought that he was kidding. 

In other news, I baptized Neak Ming Sidon on Sunday. And my companion baptized her daughter. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I can't wait until you all have a chance to meet her. I feel like she is the reason I came to Siem Reap. We've been helping her quite a bit in her fields and harvesting rice and things and she is the nicest person in the entire world. I will never forget her. She kind of talks with a southern accent and is really in tune to how she feels. She calls us angels and when I told her I might leave she was super sad, but then said don't worry, we'll meet again in heaven and it will be even happier than now! I'll be honest, that made me tear up a little bit. And the biggest news: Her husband came to the baptism all dressed up with a new shirt.  (which is a really big deal)  He's always been pretty against the Elders.  I asked him how he liked church. He said he loved it. But he said the cold machine (air conditioner) made him super sleepy and all he wanted to do was sleep. Its true. During Relief Society he put a bunch of plastic chairs together in the back and put his shirt over his face and slept. But he was there, and he liked it, and we're hoping to start teaching him tonight. 

Love you all
Elder Nelson
Thanksgiving feast!!!!!!

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